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Spring Landscaping: Steps to Spruce Up Your Landscape

Chris Gilliland

Check out these things you can do to spruce up your landscape and be the envy of all your neighbors. Before you roll up your sleeves and break out your tools (or call in the pros), have a look at this list of eight things you can do right now to get your yard in spectacular shape.

1. Check for winter damage

Harsh winter weather can have a big impact on your landscape. So before you do anything, take a look around your property to see if you see evidence of damage caused by arctic air, strong winds, and heavy snow.

  • Do your evergreen trees have browning and/or broken tree limbs?

  • Are there any brown spots on or holes in your lawn?

  • Is there any damage done to your plants from salt used during the winter?

  • Are any plant roots exposed?

  • Was there damage caused by local wildlife like voles, rabbits, and deer?

Once you have a good idea of what (and how much) needs fixing, you can pick a starting point and decide if you’ll hire a professional to help or, take care of things yourself. Keep reading to learn about ways you can spruce up your landscape.

2. Clean up garden beds

Cleaning up your garden beds is one of the quickest ways to transform your landscape. By simply removing dead and dying plants, fallen leaves, and weeds, your planting beds will look beautiful and well-cared-for. This will also give you a chance to show off your thriving plants and improve your home’s curb appeal. And, we’ve heard from clients that this time spent in the garden can also be a great stress reliever. Win!

3. Get rid of destructive insects

As you clean up your garden beds, you should also be on the lookout for insects eggs, especially in early spring. Ideally, you want to find them before they hatch. By getting rid of them early, you stop them from feasting on your flowers and plants later. Be sure to look on the underside of leaves, the top layer of soil, and other not-so-obvious places in your planting beds.

Btw, here are some bad bugs to watch out for:

  • Aphids

  • Japanese Beetles

  • Cabbage Moth

  • Cut Worms

  • Bean Beetle

  • Spider Mites

4. Cut back perennials

Any perennials left from the previous year should be cut down to the ground. Besides making your garden look nicer, it’s actually good for your plants — especially those that are damaged or diseased. If they are diseased, don’t add those cuttings to your compost pile. Throw them away instead.

5. Prune trees

Just like deadheading plants helps them to thrive, pruning trees or removing certain branches, will ultimately help your trees produce new limbs and flourish. Remove diseased and damaged branches (insects love decaying trees!) and be sure to prune your flowering trees if you’d like to encourage new buds and flowers.

6. Fertilize and add pre-emergent

Who doesn’t love a beautiful, green lawn and lush shrubs? How do you get that? By applying fertilizer to give your lawn and ornamental shrubs a boost and by applying pre-emergent to control unsightly weeds from popping up. It’s worth noting, too, that the pre-emergent should be applied to your beds just before mulching.

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